
I would like to offer my sincerest thanks to the following for helping with the translation and publication of The Green Silk Shawl:

Max Weiss, Director, Montabella Verlag, St Moritz

Marcella Maier’s family, particularly her daughters, Tina Tesfay, Corina Huber, Sereina Bolt and Flurina Mayer

Shahida Rahman, Director @ Perfect Publishers

Ibrahim Rahman, Director, Web Designer and Developer @ Perfect Publishers

Jan Andersen, who must be the copy-editors’ copy-editor

Duncan Bamford, designer and illustrator @ Insight Illustration

Carol Nourse, admin and technical support @

Robert Blake, who checked the first version

Many other friends and colleagues who helped with expertise and advice

The following have kindly given permission to use their photographs for this website

  • Montabella Verlag
  • Dr Villwock, Nietzsche Haus, Sils Maria
  • Bregaglia Engadin Turismo
  • Many friends and colleagues who advised on translating difficult expressions, answered questions about Romansh words, helped with copy-editing and proofreading.

Everyone deserves a garden full of flowers for their support. Thank you!